Thanks to everyone who has reached out to wonder if I am okay since I last posted 4 months ago. Yes, I am doing well. I have been very busy working on a new book, as well as with work, both as an EMS Coordinator and a road paramedic.

I still hit the streets once a week. (In the picture above I am getting a lift up to an injured patient who was unable to descend to the ground by himself, and who I could reach in no other way).
I have also been very busy with taking my daughter back and forth from her sports. She is in high school now, playing varsity volleyball, while also competing in AAU basketball and doing occasional softball practice with her travel team when she can find time. She isn’t old enough to drive yet, although I expect even when she still is, I will still be going to all her games.
I turned 65 recently and had to sign up for Medicare. Last week I worked with a partner who was only 19 years old. We had a particularly obese patient. As we set the stretcher head into the back of the ambulance, I told him to wait a second, while I put my gear in the side door. Before I knew it he had lifted the patient up by himself and easily slid her into the back. She had to be 350. I was going to help you, I said. I think when I was his age, I would have probably also tried it myself. No way I would do it not. One, I don’t know if I am still strong enough, even though I am still lifting regularly, but I also more easily recognize how I can get hurt, and know at my age, I am much more prone to injury.
My knee has been bothering me lately. I have to stop doing leg extensions in the gym. It only hurts when I go up stairs. A couple times the fire department raced past me while I carried my gear and used my hand on the railing on my way up. Should have taken ibuprofen as it considerably eases the pain. Hoping it will be better next week.
Also, thanks to all those who have asked me if I am indeed the tick tock jump roper oldmanjumps.
All I can say is, he does look a lot like me.
Stay safe all.