“We’re going to need Decon.” “Main Street, use full precautions.” “We have an isolation patient.” “Shortness of breath, fever, just moved here from New York.” “4th Floor apartment, vomiting, fever, use precautions.” “We need resupply, out of gowns.” “Positive screen. Take all precautions.” Patient on corner, just left hospital who wouldn’t test him because they…
Category: COVID
The 5 Second Rule
You know the five second rule. You drop food on the floor and as long as you pick it up before five seconds have passed, you can still eat it without worry of getting sick from the bacteria that was on the floor. That is because the bacteria as a fellow living species gives us…
Flu Shot
Flu season is rapidly upon us. I woke up this morning with a slight case of the sniffles that as the day has gone on has proved to be (hopefully) somewhat of a false alarm. I am hoping to get through the week unaffected as next Saturday I hope to run* in my first half-marathon….