I came back from a week off the other day and was greeted with a cardiac arrest on my first call and then another arrest the next day. Both codes were asystole, although we managed to get pulses back briefly on the second one. I had my preceptee with me on both calls. He got…
On the Night You Were Born
I stood by the hospital entrance I thought your mother would drive through so she would see me. It was dark and cold and I had to stomp my feet to keep warm. Then I saw her drive by. She didn’t see me, and as she continued toward the parking garage, I ran after her,…
Clearing out my garage a few months ago, I came across a fifteen year old notebook in which I wrote down my monthly goals. Be a good man. Read 5 books. Work out regularly. Do 30 pushups in a row. Be a good EMT Get 2 Ivs. It was from a different time, a different life. I…
Internal Debate
I have a new preceptee again, and while we have been busy, most of our ALS calls – even our good ones — have been routine – CVA/TIA, chest pain, asthma, dislocated shoulder, allergic reaction, pneumonia, nausea and vomiting. Lots of IV, 02, monitor with the basic drugs – NTG, Aspirin, albuterol, solumedrol, benadryl, zofran,…
Your Choice
He was on his way out to the car when he slipped on the ice. We find him on his knees, leaning into the open front seat of his car. He says he isn’t hurt, but he needs help getting up. He is a big man. I’m guessing three hundred pounds of dead weight. It…
5 Hour Gap
The call is for a hypoglycemic in the lobby of the nursing home. The nurse tells us the woman sleeping in the chair is an admission from a hospital post cardiac care . They were expecting her five hours earlier, but she has just now showed up in the last ten minutes, apparently by private…
The Motions
I haven’t been writing much lately. I’ve been working a lot, doing lots of calls, but nothing I haven’t done before. I’ve been trying to follow my renewed anti-whine, anti-complaint, try to be an easy going nice guy policy. I’ve had a fair amount of success. It is much less tiring going with the flow…
Four Electrodes
At night I empty my pockets on the dresser. Once a week I clean the dresser top off. Crumpled gloves. ECG strips. Narcotics slips. Med lists scribbled on a notepad. An empty drug or saline vial. Four ECG electrodes stuck together. The call is for the man who can’t be woken up, cold to the…
Rant and Rude Business
I have been thinking about all this rant business, and promised some thoughts on it. I was on the phone the other day trying to get an issue resolved with a telephone person and I was frustrated and trying to get her to understand my dilemma and how it wasn’t my problem, but their problem….
Coming Soon
Why do we rant in EMS? That’s what I want to write about. I want to write about it in a way that is not a rant, and I want to write about it in a way that will help to stop me from ranting because I don’t think it is a particularly attractive quality….
I’ve been doing a serious garage and house cleaning. I do it a couple times a year. I always manage to throw a good bit out, but never quite get control. I’m no pack rat. Paramedics won’t find my rigored body underneath a collapsed stack of yellowed newspapers, but I have stuff. A month ago…
The Gear
I’ve pretty much been a stickler over the years about carrying gear. You get a call — whether its chest pain, a fever, or a fall — you bring all your gear in. Monitor, house bag, 02. You never know. Many years ago, I was working with a partner named Steve. Good partner. We had…
My plan today was to write a response to Baby Medic’s rant Bad Day — a rant I have had myself on too many a day, week, month and year — but in order to write what I really feel — about the privilege of this job despite all the bullshit — I need not to be…
I consider myself on the cutting edge of pain management. I have worked within the state and region to increase the amount of morphine paramedics can give patients on standing order and I am very aggressive with my use of morphine. You have pain, I want to take it away. Instead of screaming with pain,…
Hey, Look at This
The call is for a possible stroke — a fifty-year old cancer patient can’t move her right side. I’m thinking it’s not a stroke. Maybe weakness, maybe a tumor. But it could be a stroke. We’ll see when we get there. The woman is lying in bed. Her eyes look up at me as I…
For years I have been on the regional medical advisory council. One of our responsibilities is to come out with the regional paramedic guidelines. It is always very exciting for me to get to use a new guideline for the first time. I think we worked on this for so long, went though many drafts…
Hyperexcitability and Abnormal Movement
The 84 year old woman, who lives at home, says she is light-headed, feels shaky and is seeing white spots, but she really doesn’t want to go to the hospital. “Well, if you are light-headed, feeling shaky and seeing white spots, you need to go to the hospital,” I say. “Okay,” she says. That was…
Some towns’ police departments call us to check out prisoners’ medical complaints, typically those suffering from jailitis. The cops get annoyed when we bring the stretcher in. He’s not going to the hospital, we just want you to check him out, they say. If you want to make the cops happy, you finesse a refusal…
Better Safe than Sorry
It was twenty minutes before my crew change when the tones went off. A fall at a local restaurant. I shook my head. I had dinner out plans for the evening that were going to get shot to hell now. Outside the restaurant we found a polite well dressed man in his sixties sitting on…
The call is at a nursing home for groin pain. We find a seventy year old man holding his groin and writhing on the bed. He has dementia so it is hard to have any kind of conversation. The daughter looks familiar and she says I brought her father in to the hospital last week….